Dr. Schonfeld is a developmental-behavioral pediatrician and Professor of Clinical Pediatrics at Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California and Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. He is Chair of the National Advisory Committee on Children and Disasters and a member of the Executive Committee of the American Academy of Pediatrics Council on Children and Disasters; he served on the National Biodefense Science Board from 2018-2021 and as a Commissioner for both the National Commission on Children and Disasters and the Sandy Hook Advisory Commission in Connecticut.
Dr. Schonfeld has authored over 150 scholarly articles, book chapters, and books. He has provided consultation and training on school crisis and pediatric bereavement for over 30 years in the aftermath of numerous school crisis events and disasters within the United States and abroad. He has also conducted school-based research (funded by NICHD, NIMH, NIDA, the Maternal and Child Health Bureau, William T. Grant Foundation, and other foundations) involving children’s understanding of and adjustment to serious illness and death and school-based interventions to promote adjustment and risk prevention.